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Showing posts from September, 2020

Sacred Games Season 1 Episode 8

I informed Inspector Majid when she went inside. She never came out. Only the fairskinned man came out.  How did he look like?  He was tall and fair, with short hair. I can help with his sketch. Is this him? Yes, that looks like him. Where's Sartaj? He didn't answer my call. You're lucky. Every religion says the same thing. Everything is predestined. The day I was born in Luxor, Egypt and you were born in Mumbai? It was decided that we'd meet here one day and I would do this. Endure the pain for two hours and then… it will all go away. What are you guys doing here?  Preparing for the 16th. What's going to happen on the 16th? Why did Gaitonde kill himself? Some people are weak. How did you betray him? He betrayed us. Aadam and Hawwa had two sons, Haabil and Qaabil. Allah asked them for a sacrifice. Both of them offered their sacrifices to him, but Allah only accepted Haabil's. Qaabil didn't like this and he killed Haabil. But Allah served Haabil justice. Haab...